Friday, April 15, 2011

We signed our life away!

Well the search is over. We closed on the house on Friday, a week ago today! I am going to attempt to blog the first year in our new home and all the renovations that go with it.  I do not love the house. I like it, but not love. Maybe it is too similar to the house we are leaving? (I do love that house, or I did. We just out grew it and the neighborhood went to Hell!) Maybe it's b/c I didn't get a walk in closet, a garage...who knows! As I said, I do like it or I would never have agreed to purchase it. It has may good things about it which make it a lovely house. It has more space, and closets, which we desperately needed. It is 100 years old. I love old houses. I love the character they have. I do not love the maintenance. The man who lived there previously, was a complete slob. He appeared to have kept the place up. but the inside was atrocious! Piled w/crap and filthy! So, the first order of business was cleaning. It took me an hour and a half to clean the first bathroom. The carpet has to be ripped out. Ewww, who puts carpet in the bathroom? Esp. when a man lives there alone! Apparently, he had issues with his aim, if you catch my drift! I did manage to get the room painted also. A lovely weathered beachy blue. I am going to finally have the beach bathroom I have always wanted! That is as far as I got b/c there was so much else that needed to be done. Oh, did I mention I had two children underfoot the whole time also? Our girls 4 and 7 where there, "supervising" the whole operation. Oh yes, I also forgot to mention, the house wreaks of smoke. Must have been a carton a day smoker! So out went all the carpets. They were disgusting anyway, so I was glad to see them go! My dear sweet hubby did that job, God bless him! We discovered all the bed rooms had hardwood under the carpets, which was nice. One room had newspapers from the 40's under the carpet! Sadly, the dining room did not have hardwood floors, unless they are under the linoleum type flooring that we found. Left that alone for now. Hubby wants to make sure it's not asbestos flooring before we tried to check. The whole downstairs is wood, so a little odd/disappointing that the dinning room is not. I'm going to leave off there for now. I'm tired and there is so much more to tell. Looking forward to this journey through blog land and house renovations!